
Recognition of study and examination results that were acquired at other universities

Coursework and examinations, which were performed at other universities, may be recognized by the Audit Committee of the MBA degree program. The recognition is in accordance with the paragraph "recognition and credit transfer" of the "General Rules for the non-teaching-related Bachelor and Master programs at the University of Potsdam (BAMA-O)".

Credit for knowledge and skills that were acquired outside the university 
The Higher Education Act of Brandenburg allows of knowledge and skills that were acquired outside higher education on the studies, provided that they are “equivalent to the part of the program in nature and standard”. A maximum of 50 percent of the attendance and examination of the studies can be replaced by crediting skills that were acquired outside.

The core of this individual credit system is to determine equivalence between the learning outcomes of university modules and the expertise of the crediting and to ensure the quality. For this purpose, a portfolio method is applied.

To apply for a crediting, use the form "Request for credit of knowledge and skills acquired outside the university" [Link] and send it to the Program Director for forwarding to the Audit Committee, including portfolio (s) and all the necessary documents.

An example of using the portfolio form can be found here [link]. For further advice in the portfolio method you may contact the MBA team.

The imputation system is free for enrolled MBA students.