MBA Innovative Health Care Management

This MBA program was launched for the winter semester 2014/2015. Providing specific modules it is designed for:
- (prospective) leaders in institutions, government agencies and companies in the health and social area
- career-oriented employees working in medical facilities and businesses, e.g. hospitals, rehabilitation clinics (doctors and non-medical personnel (care))
- company founders or consultants
The MBA Innovative Health Management is an attractive extra-occupational Master's program offered by the University of Potsdam. Our postgraduate students can choose between the complete Master’s program taking the degree “Master of Business Administration” and specific modules that meet their individual needs.
Caused by trends of economization, privatization and technological progress new functions emerged at the interface between health system and management. In an era of DRGs and cost pressure we face the challenge of a changing healthcare system, regarding both organizational aspects and competitive strategy.
The program, therefore, aims at enabling our students to develop cross-cutting management skills to understand business contexts and to manage actively complex decision-making processes. The specificities of health care are placed in the forefront of management thinking in order to avoid errors by transferring management methods from the industrial sector to the health sector. Beside inspecting various practical situations and issues, we place great emphasis on analytic and strategic thinking. Beyond the profound education, special training is provided by case studies reflecting specific features of the life-science sector.
The part-time degree program can be completed in a space of two years by alternating on-site attendance and distance learning phases. With this model, participants can acquire the Master’s degree and thereby advance in their job.
Master of Business Administration - Ausführliche Informationen