An executive Public Management-degree for young professionals
The fully accredited Master of Public Management (MPM) at the University of Potsdam equips young professionals with a new understanding of public service issues. As a program that aims to contribute to a sustainable development in the public sector, it provides students with the necessary theoretical foundations, practical management and communication skills and hands-on knowledge that make them capable of driving public administration reform. The entire program is conducted in English and brings together a selected group of students from all over the world.
The DAAD Helmut-Schmidt-Programme (PPGG)

Since 2009, the Helmut-Schmidt-Programme (Master's Scholarship for Public Policy and Good Governance, PPGG)) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports highly-qualified professionals with a first University degree who want to obtain a master's degree in Development Politics, Economics, Public Policy and Management or Political Sciences. The scholarship is awarded to future leaders from Africa, Latin America, Central- and South-East-Asia and the Middle East, who want to actively participate in the development of the society, economy, democracy and social justice in their home countries. Since 2009, around 700 scholars from 70 countries completed their master's degree in Germany and Alumni are usually employed in ministries, UN-institutions, NGO's or consultancies.
Key Features of the MPM
- One-year, fulltime master degree with 60 ECTS
- Conducted at the University of Potsdam - one of the three most important German universities in Politics, Administration and Management
- Highly recognized and experienced faculty consisting of academics and professionals
- Enhanced career prospects and an Alumni network in more than 85 countries
- Continuous on-campus support and access to all University facilities and services
- Completely conducted in English
Fully accredited by the European Association for Public Administration Accreditation (EAPAA)
Offered and funded as part of the DAAD Helmut-Schmidt-Programme (PPGG) (next admission for 2023/2024 in 2022, Application information here)